Test the Web Forward Tokyo
Test The Web Forwardについて
Test The Web Forwardは、Web開発者コミュニティがより深くWeb標準のプロセスに関わることによってWebをより良いものにしていこうというムーブメントです。参加者はWebのエクスペリエンスを構築するうえで欠かせないWeb標準仕様の、実際の仕様書と間近に接することで、Webの未来をかたちづくるために何ができるのかを発見することとなるでしょう。このムーブメントでは
具体的な活動内容として、Web標準仕様に関する学び、仕様テストケースの作成と実行、そしてコミュニティの活性化を推し進めています。その一環となるTest The Web Forwardイベントはいままでサンフランシスコ、パリ、北京、シドニー、シアトルと世界各国を回ってきましたが、今回ようやく待望の東京で開催できることになりました!
参加者にはHTML、CSSおよびJavaScriptでコードが書けるスキルレベルが求められますが、W3CのほかAdobe、Google、KDDI、Microsoft、Mozilla、Nokia、NTT docomo、楽天をはじめとする組織・企業から参加するエキスパート達がステップバイステップでテストの作成方法をガイドします。(訳注:英語スピーカーの場合は会場にいる通訳ボランティアの手助けが入ります)
Come meet members of the Japanese Web community and experts from all over the world for a weekend of learning, coding, food, drinks and fun. Help make a more interoperable & better Web!
Test The Web Forward is a movement to make the Web better by getting the Web community involved in Web standards. We bring you closer to the very specifications that you use to craft web experiences and help you discover how you can shape the future of the Web. This is done through education, test contributions and by growing the community. This movement has already rallied the Web communities of San Francisco, Paris, Beijing, Sydney and Seattle, now we are honored to bring it to Tokyo!
Over the course of the event, not only will you learn to understand different browsers, but you will also create robust tests along with the editors of various standards to ensure browsers implement these features consistently. At the end of it, you will gain a deeper understanding of browser internals & how you can write clear, robust tests.
We expect you to be able to code in HTML, CSS or JavaScript, but there will be experts from the W3C, Adobe, Google, KDDI, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Rakuten, and others that will guide you step-by-step to create tests.
スケジュール | Schedule
6:30pm - 7:00pm | 開場
7:00pm - 7:10pm | ご挨拶, プレゼンター:Shigeo Okamoto
7:10pm - 7:25pm | How To Read W3C Specifications(W3C仕様書の読み方) プレゼンター:Kazuaki Takemura
7:25pm - 7:40pm | Specification and Test Lifecycles(仕様書とテストのライフサイクル) プレゼンター:Oli Studholme
7:40pm - 8:15pm | エキスパート達によるライトニングトーク(各3分間)(必要に応じて逐次通訳)
8:15pm - 8:30pm | ライトニングトークの内容をもとに、土曜日のハッカソンの参加グループを決めていただきます
8:30pm - 10:00pm | 夕食とドリンク(無料)
9:00am - 9:30am | 朝食
9:30am - 9:45pm | Testharness.js Essentials(Testharness.jsの基礎) プレゼンター:Michael[tm] Smith, Daniel Davis
9:45am - 10:00pm | Anatomy of a Ref Test(リファレンステストはどのように構成されるのか) プレゼンター:Rebecca Hauck
10:00am - 12:00pm | Hack
12:00pm | ランチ(その場で提供されます)
12:00pm - 3:00pm | Hack
3:00pm | おやつタイム
3:00pm - 5:30pm | Hack
5:30pm - 6:00pm | Demos
6:00pm | 懇親会 (無料・任意参加)
Friday's Sessions
6:30pm - 7:00pm | Check-in
7:00pm - 7:10pm | Welcome & Introduction, Shigeo Okamoto
7:10pm - 7:25pm | How To Read W3C Specifications, Kazuaki Takemura
7:25pm - 7:40pm | Specification and Test Lifecycles, Oli Studholme
7:40pm - 8:15pm | 3 Minute Lightning Talks By Experts
8:15pm - 8:30pm | Pick a group, based on Lightning Talks
8:30pm - 10:00pm | Free Dinner/Drinks
Saturday's Sessions
9:00am - 9:30am | Breakfast
9:30am - 9:45pm | Testharness.js Essentials, Michael[tm] Smith, Daniel Davis
9:45am - 10:00pm | Anatomy of a Ref Test, Rebecca Hauck
10:00am - 12:00pm | Hack
12:00pm | Lunch is served
12:00pm - 3:00pm | Hack
3:00pm | Snacks
3:00pm - 5:30pm | Hack
5:30pm - 6:00pm | Demos
6:00pm | Free After Party
イベントの様子はビデオで撮影する予定です。ビデオで撮影されたくないという場合は、testthewebforward@gmail.com までご相談下さい(日本語可)。
Note: We will be recording the event. If you would like to be excluded from appearing in the video, please contact
Note: All talks will be given in Japanese with English presentation materials.
地点 | Location
日本、東京にて 106-6126
Google Japan
Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
6-10-1 Roppongi Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan 106-6126
東京メトロ日比谷線または大江戸線の六本木駅から、以下の経路(Google Maps)でオフィスのある六本木ヒルズ森タワーに到着します。
Google Japan is easily accessible by the Tokyo Metro.
Take the Tokyo Metro Hibiya line or the Toei Oedo line to Roppongi station. From the station, follow
the route on Google maps to the Google office in Mori Tower.
You must be able to hand code HTML, JavaScript and CSS to participate.
Before you begin
Please complete the following in preparation for the event:
Prior to attending, you will also want to read and become familiar with at least one of the features so that you have the foundation required to participate. Here are the features we will focus on learning and testing:
If there are other features or areas you want to write or modify tests for, we are happy to help.