Test the Web Forward Tokyo
It's back. html5j will hold the second meetup in Tokyo on April 12th. (For the first meetup, check out the september TestTWF newsletter.)
This time we'll work on three specs: HTML Ruby markup (tree construction), CSS Text Decoration, and Shadow DOM. We invite spec editors and testing experts so we could write tests more effectively.
Test the Web Forward Meetup (仮) は html5jのテスト部が開催する、HTML5やCSS、API仕様のテストケースをみんなで書こうというミートアップです。
今回はHTMLルビのパース処理、CSS Text Decoration、Shadow DOMの3仕様にフォーカスしテストを作成します。仕様のeditorやエキスパートもお迎えし、W3Cに取り込まれるテストケースづくりを目指します。
9:30am - 10:00am | Registration
10:00am - 10:20am | Intro and Keynote
10:20am - 10:40am | How to Create a W3C Reftest
10:40am - 11:00am | Overview of testharness.js
11:00am - 11:30pm | How to Submit Tests
11:30am - 12:00pm | Overview of Specifications
12:00pm - 1:00pm | Lunch
1:00pm - 6:00pm | Test Sprint
6:00pm - 7:30pm | After Party
Coming Soon!
You must be able to hand code HTML, JavaScript and CSS to participate. Please bring your own laptop.
Before you begin
Please complete the following in preparation for the event:
- GitHub Setup
- Choose your favorite text editor or IDE
- Install all major browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Opera)
- Be sure you have testharness.js
If you have problems with setup, experts can help you at the event.
Prior to attending, you will want to read and become familiar with at least one of the specs so that you
have the foundation required to participate.
Here are the specs we will focus on learning and testing:
Web Components:
You may also choose any other W3C spec that interests you.